Tennessee Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn Served Under Liberal U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein


Tennessee Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn interned for U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) almost 20 years ago, according to a resume that Schwinn posted online.

Schwinn posted that resume to a document more than 10 years ago.

Schwinn’s LinkedIn profile, however, does not mention this internship as a part of her official resume.

Tennessee Department of Education officials did not return The Tennessee Star’s request for comment on the matter Friday.

Schwinn submitted the resume to the Sacramento City Unified School District in January 2010 as part of a document for the Capitol Collegiate Academy, geared for kindergarten through eighth-grade students.

In her resume, Schwinn said she worked for Feinstein from 2001 through 2002 as a senior intern. Her duties included managing incoming communications and creating project designs and procedures for the senator. Schwinn also said she represented Feinstein’s office with constituents and other stakeholders.

Feinstein’s politics veer decidedly left-of-center.’

As The Star reported this week, Schwinn may have lost the confidence of some influential people in Tennessee, at least according to the Professional Educators of Tennessee (PET).

The Nashville-based PET is a statewide professional association of educators, according to its website.

PET cited, among other things, a high turnover rate within the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) under Schwinn’s leadership. Members of the group also cited a growing number of assistant commissioners making six-figure salaries and the way Schwinn has managed state education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PET said that members of the Tennessee General Assembly might consider submitting a letter to Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee expressing no confidence in Schwinn’s leadership.

As The Star also reported, the organization Tennessee Stands called Schwinn a leftist and a statist who wants the government to have too great of a role developing public school students.

As reported last year, Schwinn, a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, began her career in education working as a teacher for Teach for America.

Teach for America is a controversial non-profit organization that pays new college graduates to teach in urban schools as part of its mission to address “educational inequity” and “help children overcome obstacles like systemic racism and poverty.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn Served Under Liberal U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein”

  1. Karen Bracken

    ORGANIZE NOW because a vaccine mandate is coming in TN. Gates and Lee working together. We all know how TN loves GATES money. The commercial funded by TN.GOV this weekend clearly said we will wear masks until A VACCINE BECOMES AVAILABLE. It also said mask stop COVID 19, which is a bald face lie. CALL Governor Lees office and let him have it. 615-741-2001. I made my call this morning. You get this vaccine and we are going to have people dropping over in the millions. They are not exposing the human lab rats to see how they react when exposed to this new vaccine because they know how test animals reacted in the past when exposed……..they freaking died. So they are bypassing any animal studies and so far have not exposed any of the human lab rats to the virus to see how they react. When people start dropping over dead they will never blame the vaccine. It will be blamed on another virus that requires yet another vaccine. Bill Gates is a eugenicist. He believes we MUST reduce the population. Now if common sense prevailed people would see people like Gates ARE NOT about saving lives but just the opposite. WAKE UP TENNESSEE. IMPEACH this Governor. Our weak kneed legislators will do nothing. They sugar coat everything and try to give the illusion they are standing up for us but they are not. They cave every time.

  2. Karen Bracken

    Anyone that took a few minutes to research this progressive left wing Penny Schwinn would have know she was a dyed in the wool Democrat that despises conservative values and President Trump. In my opinion and based on my research and discussions with people in Texas, Schwinn is an enemy to our children, education and Tennessee. Again, in my opinion and based on my research and her affiliations she is pushing a leftist agenda.

  3. Love the Trump

    Lee is a RINO and a Globalist. YOU SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR DEEDS.

  4. John

    With Lee asleep at the wheel, nothing will every be done.

  5. Dave

    Once again, I strongly urge every Tennessean to make your voice heard on this issue! Here’s the link to e-mail Gov. Lee:


  6. 83ragtop50

    The only person to blame for this is Lee. He is anything but a small government conservative. One and done for him.

  7. William Delzell

    I am no fan of Feinstein for my own reasons! She is a dangerous neo-con: a super hawk who cares less about the U.S. than she does about Saudi Arabia and Israel. She was also an inside-trader on stocks just like that Republican from Georgia. She supported male-only draft registration while hollering for equal rights. She also supports more prisons and more funding for racist police organizations. You all can HAVE Feinstein for yourselves! You’re welcome to her!

  8. Ramon Aquino, MD

    Gov. Bill Lee, can you straighten this matter up?! Do you want a woke liberal heading the Tennessee Education Commission, in charge of making leftist policy decisions for Tennessee students?!

  9. rick

    Enough said if she worked for the commie lover Feinstein, get Schwinn the hell out of this state before she does more damage than she has already has. Grow a pair Gov Lee and fire this liberal wacko.

  10. Mike Johnson

    Stop the cancer before it grows


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